Gastric Bypass Surgery

If you or a loved one is struggling with excessive weight or obesity, it's hard to navigate the complex world of medicine to find the best treatment for you. At Virginia Bariatric Surgery Center, we specialize in helping individuals like you discover safe, effective treatment options, like gastric bypass surgery. Learn more about gastric bypass surgery to discover whether it's an option for you.

What is Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Also called Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery, this procedure creates a new, smaller stomach pouch that holds about one ounce of food. The surgeon bypasses the remainder of your stomach by connecting a portion of the digestive tract directly to the smaller pouch of the stomach that was created.

The purpose of gastric bypass surgery is to avoid overeating by preventing more than a small amount of food from entering the digestive tract at one time. Individuals who have had the procedure often state they feel full quicker and, over time, become accustomed to eating smaller portions of food which helps maintain ongoing weight loss.

Am I a Candidate for Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Only you and your doctor can decide if gastric bypass surgery is the best treatment option. Generally, individuals who undergo the procedure can identify with one or more of the following statements:

  • A BMI of 35 or more with a documented weight-related medical condition
  • A BMI of 40 or more without a corresponding medical problem
  • Inability to lose weight after following a diet and exercise plan
  • Medically unable to adhere to diet and exercise regimens due to obesity

It's important to note that even if you meet the above criteria, a team of health professionals will need to certify that bariatric surgery is appropriate for you. This will typically include consultations with members or our bariatric staff: dietitian, nutritionist, psychologist, primary doctor and/or surgeon.

What are the Risks and Benefits of Gastric Bypass Surgery?

The potential benefits of gastric bypass surgery include rapid weight loss, the alleviation of other medical symptoms that were complicated by excess weight and the ability to retrain yourself to eat smaller portions of healthy food. Weight loss tends to peak at about 18 months after surgery.

Like all surgical procedures, there are risks as well both with the actual procedure and in the months or years following the surgery. Your surgeon will discuss the risks associated with the procedure itself prior to performing the surgery. In the long term, you may experience increased weight gain as the stomach pouch expands to allow more food. In this case, you may need revision surgery to reduce the stomach's interior size once again.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Are you ready to say goodbye to excess weight and hello to your new, bright future? Discuss your personal medical history with us and determine if gastric bypass surgery is the best option for you. Contact us today by calling (703) 709-9771 to schedule an appointment.